Pedal Across Wisconsin
Established 1985
Fully supported, affordable Wisconsin Hotel Bicycle Vacations & Florida Keys Bike Ride
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Jerry:  847.707.6888
[email protected]
Ken:  847.309.4740
[email protected]
Amish Farms and Lakes Weekend, July 12-13-14th 2013
Registration Form and Waiver

Please complete registration, read and sign waiver, and return to:


Email: [email protected]

Each participant must sign a waiver, but more than one person can complete the registration portion. 
Please provide additional registration information on a separate sheet of paper. For non-riders, please call or email us. You will find the cancellation policy after the registration page & just before the waiver.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________M/F (circle) Age________
     First name                                                                                        Last name

     Street                                                                          City                                            State                                 Zip

     Home Phone                                                             Cell Phone                                                        Work Phone

     Emergency Contact & Phone                                                                                       Your Email

Do you need PAW to help you find a roommate?  YES_____ NO_____

If you have a roommate, please provide name here: ________________________________________________

Please Note: 
If you cancel and leave your roommate without a replacement, you’ll need to pay the private room fee, explained in the cancellation section below.

If this is your first tour with Pedal Across Wisconsin, how did you hear about us?

____ Friend Name: _______________________________________________Bike Club ____________________________________________

____ Internet: Website ___________________________________________ Other ________________________________________________

Deposit: $______________ # ____________ Balance: $ _____________
Roommate: _________________________________________________
Date added: ________________________

_____ Adults @ $ 125.00 Includes 2 nights at School, and dinner Saturday night  $___________ 

_____ Children (ages 6-18) @ $50.00 $___________

Best Western, Portage, (optional)

______ Adults - Friday 7/12 @ $45.00 per person* $ _____________

______ Adults – Saturday 7/13 @ $45.00 per person* $ ___________

*Rates are based on two persons/room. For one person, 
the rate is $90.00 per night. Children free when parents have paid $90.00 for the room.

WINDSHIRT: 100% microfiber, the new high-tech materials that breathes going up hill better than you do. Machine washable with wrist and waistbands for extra comfort. Long-sleeved. Carolina Blue
  Size: S M L XL 2X Quantity: _____ @ $20.00 each $____________

50/50 TEE: Lightweight, cotton blend, high-visibility safety yellow available in long or short sleeve.

Longsleeve: Size: S   M   L   XL   2X Quantity: _____ @ $15.00 each $____________

Shortsleeve: Yellow-Size S   M   L   XL   2X Quantity: ______@ $10.00 each $____________

Shortsleeve: Turquoise-Size  S   M   L   XL   2X Quantity: ______@ $10.00 each $____________

TOTAL TOUR FEES  $____________

(Minimum 50% of total tour fees) $____________

BALANCE DUE by June 8th         $____________

Cancellation Policy: 
Through June 8th: $50.00
After June 8th: $75.00
No show-no call=no refund.  Cancellation fee above refers to registration fee ($125) only.   Hotel portion determined by hotel's refund.

NOTE: If you have a roommate, the private room fee will be assessed, in addition to these cancellation fees, if no replacement can be found. 

Please complete registration form and waiver, and enclose minimum 50% deposit. Checks should be made out to: ‘Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc.’ Sorry, we do not take credit cards.

Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. Release and Waiver of Responsibility
     In signing this release, I acknowledge that I understand the nature of the Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. tour (‘activity’) and that it is a potentially hazardous event, and attend it of my own free will and choice. In choosing to attend Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc.’s activity and any related events or activities, I fully assume all risks, whether before, during or after the Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. activity or related activities. These include, without limitation, collision with pedestrians, vehicles, other riders, sponsors, promoters, or drivers, and dangers arising from falls, camping, theft, road surface, equipment failure, inadequate safety equipment, weather conditions, as well as the possibility of physical and/or mental trauma, mental injury, emotional stress, serious bodily injury resulting in disability, death and paralysis.
     I realize Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. activities require physical conditioning, and I represent myself that I am in sound medical condition, capable of participating without risk to myself and others. I have no medical impediment that would endanger myself or others. I waive any and all specific notices of risks. I agree that maps, directions, leaders and road markings are provided for my convenience only, and not to guarantee a safe route or trip. I understand and agree that a situation may arise during the Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. activity which may be beyond the control of the sponsors, promoters, or organizers, and agree to participate so as not to endanger myself and others.
     I understand that any route or activity chosen as part of our outdoor adventure may not be the safest, but has been chosen for the interest or challenge provided. I understand the route requires bicycling on public roadways, and in bad weather, and that cyclists have been hospitalized and/or killed because of accidents that are either their responsibility or the responsibility of someone else. I further agree that I will bear and assume all expenses incurred in any accidents, illness, or loss of any kind. I further agree and warrant that if, at any time, I believe conditions to be unsafe, I will immediately discontinue further participation in the activity. I hereby consent to and permit emergency treatment in the event of injury, illness or death. 
I give full permission for use of my name and photograph, motion pictures, video tape, recording, written comments or opinions, or other records of this event for any legitimate purpose. Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. reserves the right to decline accepting or retaining any tour participant whose health or actions impede the operation of the tour, or welfare of other tour participants. An approved (ANSI or Snell or equal) helmet is strongly recommended for use by all participants while riding bicycles. I agree to the terms and conditions of the Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. cancellation policy. I park my vehicle at my own risk and acknowledge the safe-keeping of my bicycle as my responsibility. 
     I have read this agreement, fully understand all the terms it contains, and understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it freely, and without any inducement or assurance of any nature, and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law, and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance notwithstanding, shall continue to be in full force and effect. Any action to interpret or enforce it shall be brought in Kane County, in the State of Illinois.
The foregoing understood and agreed, I hereby release and waive any and all claims against Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. sponsors, workers, volunteers, organizations, schools, businesses, and any other parties connected with this event in any way (‘releasees’) singularly or collectively, and further hold harmless and indemnify such releasees from and against any liability, claims of negligence, misadventure, harm, loss, inconvenience, or damage hereby suffered or sustained as a result of participation in the Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. tour, or any other activity associated herewithin. Such release, waiver, hold harmless and indemnity shall apply to my own claims and/or claims of third parties, relating to my participation in this event. I waive, release, discharge for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives (including successors) any and all rights and/or claims which I have, may have, or may hereafter accrue to me against the sponsors and promoters of Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. or other sponsors or affiliated organizations and their respective agents, officers, and employees for any and all damagers, injuries or claims which may be sustained by me directly or indirectly arising out of my participations in Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc.. I agree to abide by the rules of the road and certify that I will read the Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. safety letter when sent to me with my check in packet and should I not agree with the advice and procedures therein Notify Pedal Across Wisconsin, Inc. at once.

The undersigned acknowledges having read and agreed to the terms of the foregoing Release and Waiver of Liability agreement and acknowledges they have read the safely letter. 


Signature of Adult Participant Date 

Printed Name

Or, the following signatures if rider is a minor (under age 18): Parent or guardian must be on ride.

Signature of Minor Age* Date
______________________________________________________       _________________________________________________________
Printed Name of Minor                                                                     Signature of both parents (or guardian)                                  Date

*Children under 8 must be ‘self sagged’ by parents in the event the child cannot continue the bike ride. PAW cannot provide rides due to Wisconsin law that requires car or booster seats for children under 8. In addition, parents must stay with minor children at all times.

Copyright 2012: Pedal Across Wisconsin | Wisconsin Bike Rides | All rights reserved.
847-707-6888 | [email protected]